In a recent article in the Stamford Advocate, it was revealed that Dr. Tamu Lucero was personally taking local realtors on tours of the schools.
The reason? Since the poor achievement data gives prospective buyers the impression that the Stamford Public Schools are not great, Dr. Lucero decided the best way to address the issues was to curate school tours for local realtors.
Yes, our superintendent - the person one might suppose is responsible for ensuring students can read and write, and who was paid $427,021 last year - was encouraged by this Board of Education to show groups of realtors around schools. In 2023, she hosted at least 4 of these private tours for groups of realtors.
Here’s an idea - call it old fashioned, but here it is:
If we want to attract people with children to Stamford,
give them schools that are worth their price in tax dollars.
More bluntly: Give them schools that teach kids to read and do math.
Last year the 8th grade proficiency rates stood at 32% in math and 40%.
To top it off, only 20% of core classes had a written curriculum.
Even your child can read and do math proficiently, how well can they really do,
if 60% or more of the children in the classroom can’t read and do math proficiently?
The state of our schools is a scandal. The fact that our superintendent was taking realtors on tours of our schools instead of supporting instruction is outrageous.
On June 27th the Board of Education will vote on Dr. Lucero's contract.
There has been a lot of talk about Vision 2025 and how wonderful the plan is. Even if it is a good plan, a plan is only as good as the leader.
Does a leader who chit chats with relators while taking them on a curated tour of a school in hopes that they will say nice things about the district to potential buyers have what it takes to turn this failing district around?
Does a leader who presents a plan 5 years into the job really have the vision, let alone skills to implement this plan?
Several board members have informed SPU that the BEST way to influence the upcoming contract vote is to send an email with your thoughts to each member:
Every single person, and in particular parent, should be expressing their concerns with the leadership at this pivotal time in determining the future of Stamford Public Schools.
Are we going to double down on leaders who have failed to produce results or will we at least try to change course?
The members of the Board of Education should have email inboxes full of parents voicing their concerns.
We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to send an email to the Board of Education to voice your concerns. Let them know that the best way to attract families to Stamford - and retain those here - is by improving finding us a leader who has more than just a vision, but the proven skills to turn this failing district around.